Chapter Quest Wiki
  • Name: Aggramlakug

    The young Far Sword in battle.

  • Moniker: Sword Sage, Far Sword.
  • Occupation: Mercenary leader of a band of soldier-sorcerers of the Xo’nad Coalition.
  • Sex: Unknown
  • Age: Unknown
  • Status: Alive
  • Background: Considered young among the Xo’nad, Aggramlakug is part of an emerging trend among xo’nad mercenaries that view their job more as a soldier in defense of theXo’nad Coalition rather than their latest client. Though he wouldn’t refuse the money being offered, echoing the mercenary soldiers of long lost Xo’nad Loxomod.
  • Recent history: He earned his title during the aftermath of the duel between Grand Master Dusan of the Styrian Triarchy and Glapamax the Reaver when there was a rush on all sides to claim the two fallen champions. Empowering his sword to strike at targets far away, he was able to cleave his way near the bodies. Unfortunately Prozorovatel the Watcher - the Grand Master’s sworn shield - reached them first and evaded the young sorcerer’s blows until an exhausted Aggramlakug was forced to retreat.
  • Motivation: Defend the Xo’nad Coalition
  • Affiliation: Xo’nad Coalition
  • Assets: Mercenary contacts, natural talent in sorcery.